As part of the Fund's requirements, the Council has set up two Local Partnership Groups (LPGs) to oversee the funds implementation. These groups will meet bi-annually and will feed into the projects and investments made in the Borough.
The terms of reference for the groups will be attached below once approved.
The two groups are split to cover the priority themes; Communities and Place Local Partnership Group; and the People, Skills and Business Local Partnership Group. Both groups will be chaired by Cllr Lee Bentley. Below is the outline and membership of each group.
Communities and Place LPG
The membership of the Communities and Place LPG is:
- The local MP covering the Borough
- A Representative from the Oadby Town Centre Association
- A Representative from the Wigston Business Group
- A Representative from the South Wigston Chamber of Trade and Commerce
- A Leicestershire County Councillor representative of the Borough
- A Representative from Visit Leicester
- The Chair of the Oadby Residents' Forum
- The Chair of the Wigston Residents' Forum
- The Chair of the South Wigston Residents' Forum
People, Skills and Business LPG
The membership of the People, Skills and Business LPG is:
- The local MP covering the Borough
- Chair of the Children and Young Peoples' Forum
- A Representative from Voluntary Action Leicestershire
- A Representative from Leicestershire Cares
- A Representative from Voluntary Action South Leicestershire
- A Representative from DWP
- A Leicestershire County Councillor representative of the Borough
- A Representative from Leicester and Leicestershire Local Enterprise Partnership
- A Representative from East Midlands Chamber of Commerce,
- A Representative from NBV
- A Representative from Federation of Small Business
- A Representative from Oadby and Wigston Primary Care Network
- A Representative from South West Leicestershire College