Derelict site sale to unlock major community facility improvement plans in Oadby
Posted: Wed, 18 Jan 2023 15:59
A derelict former swimming pool in Oadby is to be sold, regenerating a prominent key site and bringing in funds ringfenced to improve community facilities in the town.
Oadby & Wigston Borough Council is planning a major refurbishment of the bowls pavilion next to the site which would make it the primary multi-use community facility in the town, as well as potentially using funds raised from the pool sale to improve Ellis Park as well.
Oadby pool became redundant in 2014 when the brand new replacement at Parklands Leisure Centre opened in Washbrook Lane.
The borough's Local Plan already allocates most of the land, which includes the former pool and car parking at the front, as a prime opportunity for residential development, and this is the area that is now on the market for sale along with the tennis courts to the rear. All types of development offers though are being welcomed with any future use subject to gaining the relevant consents.
The adjacent land on which Ellis Park, the bowling green and the pavilion stand are not included in the sale, with these areas set for potential improvement using the money raised from the sale of the neighbouring land.
After a sale is agreed, the borough council will consult with local residents and groups to establish how a revamped community facility on the site of the current pavilion might look and what it could be used for. Regardless of how any revamped community facility shapes up, it will also remain available for use by the bowls club currently based there as well as other community groups. Improvements to Ellis Park itself will also form part of future consultation.
In the long term the council also expects to dispose of the Walter Charles Centre, the aging community building currently to the south of the town centre, which will be replaced by the larger, modern pavilion revamped as part of this project. This would only happen once the new community facility is nearing completion .
Councillor John Boyce, Leader of Oadby & Wigston Borough Council, said: "Regeneration is key to maintaining a thriving local community and economy, and this land sale presents a huge opportunity for Oadby.
"It's time for a developer to unlock the site's potential. The money raised is ringfenced for community benefit – all of the proceeds will go towards creating a far superior community facility for the town as well as possible improvements to Ellis Park.
"We're looking forward to talking to local residents, community groups and other key stakeholders to ensure the way the money is spent maximises the community offer in the town. Local voices are absolutely key to this project and people in Oadby can expect to hear much more about this in the coming months."
To be the first to hear about upcoming consultation on the project, residents are encouraged to sign up to receive email updates.
People can also find the latest information and read FAQs about the project on our dedicated webpage.